City Deal Kennis Maken Nijmegen

City Deal Kennis Maken Nijmegen

Concrete cooperation agreements between cities, central government, other governments, companies and social organizations are anchored in City Deals. These deals must lead to innovative solutions for social issues and/or contain measures to strengthen the economic ecosystem of the urban region(s).

Partners involved:

Municipality of Nijmegen, Arnhem and Nijmegen University of Applied Sciences, Radboud University, ROC Nijmegen, Yuverta MBO

From impulse to sustainability

The City Deal Making Knowledge Nijmegen aims to accelerate the resolution of the city's social challenges by involving researchers, teachers and students on a large scale. In 2017, the Arnhem and Nijmegen University of Applied Sciences, Radboud University and the municipality of Nijmegen set the goal of making collaboration more sustainable by better opening up and connecting successful initiatives. To create a rich learning environment for students.


Our ambition is that in ten years' time a set of instruments will be available with which knowledge institutions and the municipality can work together on (major) social themes through an interdisciplinary and/or multi-level approach. We create added value in Nijmegen with our research and education, which we determine through (practice-oriented) research.

Activities 2023-2026

To achieve our common ambition, we will work together in the following years (2023-2026):

Multi-year major projects (multilevel) - The substantive focus is on the two substantive program lines from the municipality of Nijmegen (strengthening the social basis and creating space), to which the knowledge institutions connect in educational projects. This concerns long-term, sustainably embedded projects based on the municipal district programming.

Short-term, current issues – Connecting knowledge demands and supply between the municipality and knowledge institutions. Establishing connections between residents, neighborhood professionals, policy officers, researchers, teachers and students. This concerns short-term issues where there is energy and which can be addressed quickly (programme line three within municipal ambition). Multi-level education is not a prerequisite for this.

Knowledge sharing and community building – We work on both knowledge sharing and community building under the umbrella of 'Nijmegen Study City'. By joining the forces of the various networks, we make more impact.

Institutions work on the objectives of their own implementation plans - Each consortium partner works on the preconditions for working on social challenges in education. There are different points of attention for each institution. Each institution has developed its own implementation plan, with the aim of contributing to social issues in the city and to more firmly anchor and spread impact in education.


Source: AgendaStad